The God of Heaven
“Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.” (Revelations 22:17 NIV) is a Christian website and online spiritual resource for Christians seeking guidance and help from the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe you have been called to a high and noble purpose, in Christ. Help us spread the word of our Lord and Savior. Be a part of a Holy site and indulge with us in a fulfilling walk of faith. You’ll find inspiration, motivation and helpful scriptures focused on Jesus!
Don’t let anxieties of a worldly nature steal the seed of love and hope that was planted within you through the receiving of God’s word into your life. Fortify your heart and mind with Christian articles centered on Christ that can strengthen and uplift you each day!
You are Here
“Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3: 5-6)
Through you, the spirit and power of God’s love flow to the world, bringing light and healing to those in need, wherever they may be. We know you can’t do it alone. The Father knows you can’t do it alone, which is why He sent the Holy Spirit as your guide. Be assured that Christ has you exactly where He wants you and where you are needed. You are reading this page because the Spirit, our counselor, and comforter in times of distress, has led you here. Why? God has been watching you, friend. He has been listening, and he has been preparing an answer to your most silent prayers. By God’s grace, you came into the world, and He will not abandon you. So cheer up, be bold and go forward. The door is open, cross the bridge and enter through. As it is written, “The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1)
What Will I Find Here?
Scripture tells us that Our Lord used biblical verses three times to fend off Satan’s attack during his forty days of sabbatical in the desert. If He, who was like a rock for those around Him, relied on scripture and prayer to give Him strength, how can we deny the power of God’s word to strengthen and uplift us as well? That’s why we’ve taken the time to curate online Christian articles on topics such as marriage, parenting, and family. You may not be able to carry an actual hard copy of the Bible around with you, but you can easily access online resources such as and other Christian websites from your phone, laptop, or iPad, to find encouragement, helpful tips, and advice for Christians. At G.Q. King's Palaces, LLC, we believe there is no better defense against temptation, no better cure for the prevailing cynicism of our time than the word of God.
Here you’ll find engaging, insightful articles offering Scripture-based advice and guidance to help everyday Christians find answers to the challenges of a secular world. Written by fellow Christians, these articles draw on the compelling power of biblical verses to bring clarity to your world in times of doubt and distress. Whether you are recently mourning a loss, coping with financial stress, or anxious about parenting, has articles that will inspire and motivate you to overcome in all things. Yes, as Christ, who came in human flesh, was crucified, raised to eternal life on the third day and now sits at the right hand of God has promised! Because “…we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Let your light shine with us, because your reading is not in vain!
Why is Spiritual Advice on Christian Websites Important for Christians?
“But there were false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly put forward wrong teachings for your destruction, even turning away from the Lord who gave Himself for them; whose destruction will come quickly, and they themselves will be the cause of it.” (2 Peter 2:1 BBE)
Our secular world has as many teachings and doctrines as there are people. There is no end to the writing of books, as the Scripture reminds us in Ecclesiastes. Articles on Christian websites, books, essays and blogs are constantly being produced, offering readers practical advice to their spiritual questions. Social values that were once uniformly Christian have become fragmented, and among them, many false teachings have emerged. Misrepresentations of Christ and His teachings proliferate across the internet, posing a grave danger to those most vulnerable to being misled. Christians have been warned against false teachings and teachers, who were active even in the earliest days of the Church, casting their tainted shadow on the pure message of the gospel with their altered interpretations. When we are searching for answers the true path, Christ is there to guide us with words of love and compassion that burn in our hearts.
Since the Bible makes it clear that fools reject instruction, it’s our duty to seek out God’s guidance as believers who hope to claim everlasting life. The right advice for Christians can only come from the word of God, our daily bread. At G.Q. King's Palaces, LLC, we rely on scripture exclusively to guide readers on their spiritual walk in Christ. Visit our site each day for updated Christian articles that will inspire you to continue boldly on your spiritual journey in the Lord.
Faith and Family in the Twenty-First Century
Our modern world has seen acceleration and growth along with sharp declines in every aspect of our lives. The global village continues to grow smaller, and threats that were once far beyond us draw ever closer to our communities, infiltrating our homes and living rooms through the internet. These threats, as imposing and terrifying as they seem, however, should hold no power over Christians, whose minds have been set free of the ignorance that torments others. The knowledge of Christ’s sacrifice and God’s unfailing love for us is an eternal message we have been called on to share with the entire world.
Although the world continues to change, we have been assured that Christ’s word is infallible and unchanging. It will always be needed. It will always be relevant, and it can never pass away. Israel, too, faced changes and upheavals to their society: war, displacement, slavery, disease, famine, idolatry, and a host of other problems plagued Israel’s leaders and its people. Only those, like the 12 Disciples, who made scripture their salvation, have a secure hope of weathering the changes and not getting lost in the storm. is your resource for Christian articles that will help you integrate faith and family in our turbulent times.
Spiritual Advice for Christians in Marriage
Wouldn’t you like to live a deeper, more fulfilling Christian life with your spouse? In March 2016 the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) published their National Health Statistics Reports No. 92, examining trends and attitudes towards marriage, childbearing, and sex. Their findings overall revealed a small but noticeable change in the population towards a ‘more open-minded society.’ Did you know, according to the report:
● In 2002, 46 percent of women agreed that divorce was the best solution to problems in a marriage, but that number was reduced to 38 percent of women polled from 2011-2013.
● Among men, it was 39.3 percent agreed that divorce was the best solution, while 44.3 percent of men agreed in 2002.
● 38.6 percent of women 25-34 responded that marriage had not worked out well for most people they knew, compared to 32 percent of men, showing little variation in attitude over the years from 2002-2013.
In the face of such negative experiences, maintaining a positive Christian outlook in your marriage can seem impossible at times. Being a Christian certainly doesn’t exempt us from being human. Not even the Christ who was God in image and likeness was exempt from the temptation to doubt our Creator’s presence in our lives. So how do we overcome temptation and claim the victory that has been promised those who believe? How do we cross that bridge between reality and Christ’s vision of harmony and love?
When God united Adam with Eve, he established and sanctified the fundamental cornerstone of human relationships – marriage. The Genesis story provides us with some insight into God’s purpose for humanity and individuals: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and will become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:22-24, NIV)
We all remember this beautiful, poetic passage describing the oneness of marriage. But let’s face it: marriage in the modern age is under siege by a culture that has grown accustomed to divorce and broken homes. Husbands and wives face increasing demands on their time and energy as they struggle to compete in the workplace, increase their earnings, raise children, care for elderly parents, all while maintaining their own health and sanity.
Whether you are newlyweds or celebrating your twenty-fifth anniversary, marriage is one of the most demanding, challenging and rewarding commitments anyone can make. Even with Christ as our guide, however, it’s easy to lose sight of the love that brought you and your spouse together in the first place. It’s easy to get distracted by temptations such as money and sex. Christ wants us to fight the good fight and to win! He wants us to experience the fullness of God’s love through our relationships. is one of the best Christian websites and resource for Christian advice that can save your marriage and put you back on track to fulfilling your purpose as a pillar of righteousness! Explore our marriage section for yourself and be inspired!
Spiritual Advice for Christian Families
According to a stress report released in February 2014 by the APA (American Psychological Association):
“Stress about money and finances appears to have a significant impact on Americans’ lives. Nearly three quarters (72 per cent) of adults report feeling stressed about money at least some of the time and nearly one-quarter say that they experience extreme stress about money (22 percent rate their stress about money during the past month 8, 9, or 10 on a 10-point scale ). In some cases, are putting their healthcare needs on hold because of financial concerns.” (Stress In America. Paying With Our Health)
The family is the foundation of every individual, which makes building a good one of the highest of priorities. Jesus did not want us to be without guidance in these matters. He understood very well the challenges parents must face raising their children. He constantly warned His own children, the disciples in His presence, of the trials they would face and the perils awaiting the Church. He resolved conflicts and arguments between His brothers and sisters.
Maybe you’ve been separated from loved ones by distance, and you feel lonely, isolated. Perhaps you’re concerned about your child/children’s behavior. You may have siblings, aging parents, or other family members in need of intensive care, physically and mentally. You could be dealing with job loss and the financial stresses of providing for your family in a manner you would like. Anxiety comes in many forms, robbing us of sleep and peace. It distorts our perception and can eventually cripple our decision-making abilities.
The Bible is filled with stories of families and their struggles. From Noah to Joseph and his brothers, you’ll find examples of fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters who faced conflicts, rivalries, and even catastrophe in their lives. These stories, now thousands of years old, have endured for a reason. They continue to remind us that even as believers, we too must face the temptations of the flesh that seek to pull families apart, but there is hope.
Don’t give in to feelings of discouragement and hopelessness. Those who turn to Christ, our Redeemer, find not only a sympathetic ear but the strength to be healed of past wrongs rather than passing them on to their children. G.Q. King's Palaces, LLC offers Christian articles on family issues and advice for Christians who are struggling with family matters. If you’re seeking encouragement, you’ll find it here among the many topics covering family life. Explore our curated content and find the answers to your family problems. Choose an article now!
Spiritual Advice for Christian Youth
Drugs. Alcohol. Cyber-bullying. Premarital sex. Suicide. Abuse.
Today’s youth, both believing and non-believers, face challenges and pressures every day at school and home. The struggle to be accepted, to find peers, and live up to the expectations of your elders can feel like a mountain of weight. The choices we make in our youth will ultimately determine our fortune in life, so the experiences we develop during this time are crucial to our success in marriage, career, family, and community.
Have you ever felt like no one around understands you? Do you wonder, sometimes, why you are so different from all of your friends? Have you ever found yourself in an awkward situation where your Christian faith was tested in public? Have you ever been ridiculed or taunted by your peers for the things you believe? You’re not alone. Thousands of people are persecuted every day for one reason or another, based on race, gender, nationality, even the kind of car they drive! It’s tempting to feel like you’re the only one being singled out, but the devil who persecutes the faithful is a relentless and insatiable predator. Even Jesus faced temptation in the desert. Being tempted is not the problem; rather our response to temptation is what determines our ultimate happiness, as we follow eagerly in the footsteps of our Lord towards the love that surpasses all understanding.
Character Building for Christian Youth
Character-building is always painful and awkward. Christian youth are no exception. They too are fallible, and sometimes experience defeats they find difficult to talk about with a parent or guardian. How do you explain what you feel when you learn your best friend has been talking behind your back about you out of spite? Who do you turn to when you find yourself at a gathering of peers, and someone pulls out narcotics and offers you some? How do you cope with the feelings of temptation, guilt, and confusion that come with being a teenager?
Scripture is always there to remind us that Christian youth are special to God. He keeps them in mind as he carries out his plans to reveal the true and everlasting kingdom, working away each day through each of His people to nourish the earth and those within perfect watches. The community of believers wants you to succeed as well because you are truly the kingdom that is to come. David, soaring in the power of the Spirit, glanced at the future and with rejoicing said, “Then our sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants, and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a place.” (Psalms 144:12)
You can read our articles at on advice for Christian youth and be assured that you’ll find the encouragement and guidance you need to stay strong and rejoice in your spiritual walk. Browse on your lunch from your phone, while you’re on the bus, or just find yourself with a little downtime between extra-curricular activities and chores. There are short and long articles so you can choose the length that suits you. Helpful scripture quotes provide the key to the topic of the article and point to the most relevant passages of scripture. Forgiveness is the foundation of our faith, and God our Father is always eager to redeem us when we fall. He did not hesitate to forgive his disciple Peter for denying Him, and He will not hesitate to forgive you when you go to Him with a contrite heart. God does not see and judge as your friends, your parents, your siblings or anyone else does. He sees the ‘you’ He created, and He’s rooting for you. You too can declare with confidence the words of the psalmist, “Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good.” (Psalms 25:7 NIV)
Make the articles found on trusted Christian websites like a small part of your daily routine and you’ll be fortified with God’s word against every adversary. Amen.
Parenting Advice for Christians
The biggest challenge you may ever face in life is taking responsibility for another human life. Parenthood is a journey filled with revelations, rejoicing, tears and wonder. Christians raising a family in modern times are challenged to make family a priority, to listen to their children, to keep pace with social trends, and to stay informed and connected with their children. At the same time, the generation gap continues to expand as technology and innovation compel us in new directions at frantic speed. In dealing with our children, the Bible reminds us that we too have a heavenly parent whom we must answer to, as mentioned in Deuteronomy, “Be keenly aware that just as a parent disciplines his child, the Lord your God disciplines you.” (8:5 NIV)
At, Christians seeking parenting advice will find articles that offer useful, practical strategies for building a better relationship with our children and guiding them to the right choices in life.
Spiritual Advice for Single Christian Men and Women
“We will never be happy until we make God the source of our fulfillment and the answer to our longings. He is the only one who should have power over our souls.” – Stormie Omartian
In every congregation, single men and women play a key role in carrying out many Church tasks. They are called on to be role models for those who are younger and support to their elders. They are called on to carry out small tasks and the clerical work that must be done on important occasions. They are called on to participate and engage with their communities as shining examples of Jesus’ word. There is often too little said about the challenges single men and women of faith face as they struggle to compete for education, recognition, and launch a successful career in their chosen field. The twenty-first century demands a rapid pace of everyone and increasingly overwhelms us with the constant innovations and distractions being hurled our way.
Psychology attempts to explain our emotional problems from a rational, scientific perspective that denies human beings our spirituality. As a believer, single Christian men and women sometimes find the values of the world in direct contradiction to the word of God. The perpetual development of new technologies creates new ethical questions for us to consider, decisions that affect our choices about politics, sexuality, faith, and other contentious topics. How do we sort through the information available to us and make wise decisions? How do we choose the right career or find the right partner? How do we resist the temptation to make unethical choices that will benefit us in the short-term?
Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah: Examples for Single Christians
Daniel answered, “O king, live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me because I was found innocent in His sight. “(Daniel 6:21-22)
Single men and women of God are walking each day into the lion’s den, as Daniel once did. In all King Nebuchadnezzar’s vast kingdom of clerics, warriors, and scholars, he could find none wiser than Daniel and his friends, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Together, these four young men were tested time and again during their service to the shrewd Babylonian conqueror. They prevailed with the Word of God as their defense. You too can stand upright in a crooked generation. Read the articles found on any time of day or night to find Christian advice and guidance you can trust. We’re a focused online resource for single Christian men and women who love reading content that inspires and uplifts.
Find something deep that speaks to you!
Christian Articles on Spiritual Wellness
Maintaining a healthy, robust walk in Christ is not for the faint of heart! It seems that the more we commit ourselves to the path of righteousness, the greater the challenges and obstacles placed in our path. Distractions, temptations, doubts and anxiety leave us emotionally drained of the energy we need to stay positive in the face of adversity. God’s light has been placed within us, but the light can fade. Though many seeds are laid, not all yield their fruit, as Jesus reminds us in his parable:
“That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. 2 Such large crowds gathered around Him that He got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. 3 Then He told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.” (Mathew 11:1-9 NIV)
It’s easy for the enthusiasm we once felt as a youth for our faith to wane with time and the mounting pressures of life. Wellness for Christians goes beyond yoga or protein shakes. We have been blessed with the knowledge and hope of God’s unfailing love in our lives. At, our articles covering spiritual wellness are directed to Christians, providing scripture-based inspiration for your daily walk. Reading Christian websites such as should be part of your daily routine. Read as often as you like for engaging, practical, and encouraging articles in our Spiritual Wellness section.
Daily Devotionals for Women
This concept is according to Psalms 29:2, "Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness."
Daily devotionals are Christian publications that provide spiritual content. They can be read and studied every day, weekly, monthly, or at the personal pace of the reader. As women of God, it is important that you get empowered through devotions for women to grow spiritually and for a closer walk with God. Daily devotionals for women are created specifically for you. They are ideal for women in all stages of life. All of you have to do is find a special time each day for prayer, meditation on the word of God and, of course, to read your women’s devotional to learn from the knowledge and experience of other women.
The Rich benefits of Daily Devotionals for Women
There are certainly plenty of benefits for reading a women’s devotional on a regular basis. While some women are comfortable with daily devotional for women articles, others are happier with weekly women’s devotional items accompanied with women’s Bible study, prayers, and meditation on the word of God. Here is a look at some of the benefits of regular devotions for women.
Give God your Devotion
One of the first benefits of a daily devotional for women is that you get to spend some quiet time with God. Devotionals allow you to give to God as opposed to always receiving from him. This concept is according to Psalms 29:2, “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.” There are plenty of committed Christians who do a lot of good but forget to spend time with God just to worship Him. Spending a few minutes with God and letting Him know how much you love Him and care about His word is imperative.
The Lord will provide you with instructions for your daily life when you engage in daily devotions for women. Just spending a few, quiet moments with God provides Him with a great opportunity to speak to you and give you the wisdom you need to make the right decisions.
Get your Family Involved
To make the most of our devotions for women, you can put together a regular women’s devotional time with female family members. Include mothers and grandmothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, and whoever would like to get involved! A daily devotional for women can help build your spiritual strength every day, just like athletes build physical strength through proper training. Reading a women’s daily devotional is a great way to keep yourselves engaging in the word of God and get closer as a family. It doesn’t have to take more than a few minutes every week, and you can all worship God and reflect on his glory.
Delight in the Lord
When you spend quiet time in the presence of the Lord, then you will bask in His glory and will grow in your love for Him. According to Philippians 3:10 and Psalms 34:8, the secret of real joy is found in knowing God.
A daily devotional for women will help you grow to be more like God. If you want to grow to be more like Jesus Christ, then you need to engage more in the word and delight in him. This teaching is according to Romans 12:2 and John 17:17. You will get direct satisfaction through the time you spend in the scripture though women’s bible study. You also get to know God more intimately when you allow his Word into your heart.
Not only that, you will delight in knowing Jesus personally. One of the best gifts of salvation is the chance to know Jesus and be in touch with him regularly. Many people only know about Jesus but have no personal relationship with Him. Fortunately, a women’s daily devotional and regular engagement in the Word ensure that your foundation in Christ is strong and secure.
Women’s Daily Devotional – Are you a People Pleaser?
All too often, our actions are aimed at pleasing others. We have gotten accustomed to acting in ways that appeal to others and try not to offend them or hurt their feelings. Sometimes we do this to fit in and not be shunned by society.
As Christians, we need to speak and act as people approved by the Lord and entrusted with the Gospel. We should not try to please those around us, but rather, we should aim to please our God in heaven. This is in agreement with 1 Thessalonians 2:4, “On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.”
Our words, deeds, and thoughts are what pleases God rather than what pleases others. A common observation of our behavior indicates that we have a desire to please people, yet it is impossible to please everyone at the same time. If we keep trying to please everyone, we will most likely fail in the process.
You sometimes may get concerned about whether you upset some people and what they may be thinking about you and your actions, words, or beliefs. Sometimes you stress over a conversation and wonder about how you could have done things a little differently. All too often, you probably perform better in your head than you did in person. However, this is not the way you are meant to live your life. You should not focus your energy and strength, or thoughts and deeds on how to please people. Just like Jesus, you need to be concerned only about what God thinks of you.
A women’s daily devotional will help you to be more like Jesus. Women’s bible study will help you to focus more on what pleases God and what he values. It is important that you follow Jesus’ lead and His direction. This way, you will not worry about pleasing people or what they will say about you. If you live your life as the Lord intends for you, and aim to please Him only, then you will be at peace with your inner self. What’s more, you will probably impress people more with you virtuous, Christ-like life. You should tell Jesus through your daily words and actions that He is the one you want to please with your life and then always endeavor to do just that.
Women’s Devotional – Become a Bearer of God’s Image
The book of Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created us in His image. Think about how you see yourself. If you take a look and see your own reflection in the mirror, then you will be staring at God’s creation. Ever since the days of Eve, women have worried about their image. Lots of polls indicate that a majority of women are dissatisfied with their looks while many admire celebrities and supermodels. It’s hard to keep up with the perfect image that the world expects of a beautiful woman. We keep idolizing models on the cover of magazines.
The good news is that the answer to our quest for an appealing image is replied to in the book of Genesis. The Bible says we are created in the image of God, our creator. God is the paradigm of perfection. While our physical appearances only denote our human origins, our spirit and soul reflect on our Lord. But what does it mean to be created in the exact image of God who is our heavenly father? According to the book of Colossians 1:5, Jesus Christ is the exact image of the invisible God. For us as Christians, as we progressively grow in our faith we are transformed more into the image of God.
The book of 2 Corinthians 3:18 says that as we grow in our faith, we are slowly transformed into Christ’s likeness. You were created by God to project his image and Holy nature to the world that is blind to His existence. Therefore, the next time you stare at your image in the mirror, you should not see the imperfections or the blemishes; rather stare in wonder at the product of a perfect God that loves you dearly. Engaging in women’s bible study and reading a daily devotional for women will help you to keep this perspective in mind.
Women’s Bible study – Questions to Ask Jesus Each Morning
Every morning, each and every one of us has a question for Jesus. While our needs and desires may vary, one of the most important questions you should ask each morning is, “How can I encourage somebody today?” Asking this question will often lead to an answer because the Lord is faithful. Looking at the book of Isaiah 35:3-4 can provide some answers. It says, “strengthen those who have tired hands.” People who fall in this category include those who use their hands lifting up the burdens of others. They include teachers, moms, doctors, nurses, caregivers, parents, pastors and many others.
The verse goes on to mention those with weak knees. It consists of a select group of people including senior citizens, athletes, physically challenged individuals and military veterans. Other people who are also mentioned are the fearful. Who are the fearful in our society? It is just about each and every one of us. We all have our fears, worries, and anxieties. Think about anyone in your life who needs some encouragement today. Tell them to be strong and not to fear because the Lord is on their side! There are many different ways you can encourage someone. Look for inspiration in a women’s daily devotional to help get you started.
One of the easiest ways of helping people is to send someone an encouraging message. You can do this through email, text message, or in person. At other times you could make a phone call to a person who needs inspiration and a cheerful word. While these actions may seem like minor deeds, they may mean a lot to recipients and could positively impact their life forever. You could also go and visit an elderly neighbor, an ailing friend, or a grief-stricken colleague. Finding people to encourage is not difficult if you engage in daily devotionals and stay connected with the Lord.
Get an inspirational Women’s Daily Devotional and Bible Study Guide at
As a Christian woman, you need to keep your soul nourished spiritually on a regular basis. Thankfully, you can find plenty of resources for spiritual growth on Spiritual Bridge. You will always find an encouraging Bible verse each and every day for anything you need. Our articles are meant to minister to you and provide you with spiritual food for thought. Spiritual Bridge contains plenty of inspiring articles that will encourage and inspire you. These materials include very useful devotions for women. You will also find articles that address matters such as marriage, issues such as Christian parenting, religion, family life, and spiritual wellness.
Our website takes women’s matters seriously as there is a dedicated section with plenty of devotions for women and Bible verses. Receiving a daily devotional for women accompanied with a women’s Bible study verse will help you in your quest for leading a fulfilling Christian life amidst the challenges we face each day. You can also place your prayer requests online and have other Christians pray for you and the people you love and care about. We hope that you find Spiritual Bridge to be a great resource for you!
Bible Devotions
Devotion gives Christians a focused way of meditating on their relationship with Christ. They draw us away from the world and its distractions, inward, calling for solitude, silence, and stillness. When we commit time in our day to being alone with God, we are good to ourselves in the best possible way.
We find time for many priorities in our life. Some people never miss an opportunity to watch their favorite sports team play. Others would rather die than miss an episode of their favorite TV series. Some people go into serious withdrawal without their morning coffee or their afternoon cigarette. Christians are no different than other people in need for routine. Good habits, however, can be formed just as easily as bad habits, if we are determined.
Of course, it’s not always convenient to read a copy of the Bible when you’re over-booked and behind schedule. The devotions you’ll find on are engaging, insightful, and short enough to get through while you’re on the go. Making time to make your spiritual wellness a priority doesn’t have to be a chore.
“How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers. (Psalms 1: 1-3)
Join us at Spiritual Bridge and uplift Christ in devotion and honor. Read our section on Bible devotions and stay connected. Amen