Blood of Christ
"Alone with God." If I seek fellowship with the Father, I will find Him in His Word.
Motivational spiritual quotes and bible study increases our time alone with God each day. This is the indispensable condition of growth and power. Let this be my chief object in prayer, to realize the presence of my heavenly Father. Let my goal be: “Alone with God.” If I seek fellowship with the Father, I will find Him in His Word.
Let this be my chief object in prayer, to realize the presence of my heavenly Father. Let my goal be: “Alone with God.” If I seek fellowship with the Father, I will find Him in His Word. Am I spending time in His presence? Everything depends on this. Unless I am on my knees I cannot live in His love. A life of prayer will make a life of love to Christ, to other Christians, and to those without Christ. I must ask myself if my prayer is really in accordance with the will of God and the Word of God.
My hidden prayer life is inseparably bound up with united prayer. Time I spend in prayer is an offering pleasing to God. To experience real prayer I must sacrifice my selfish desires. I put on Christ by spending time alone in His presence. When I take the time and the trouble to spend time with God, my reward will be great. Much time is needed with the Father if I want to experience the power of God within. Prayer is the one power on earth that commands the power of heaven. Even in the midst of my daily schedule I can call out to God. My faith in the great power of love should prepare me for a life in communion with God in prayer. There is only one way that I can love my enemies: by the love of Christ, sought and found in prayer. If I pray only for myself, I will not find it easy to be in the right attitude toward God. As I wait silently before God, I become strong in the assurance of faith. I will take time each day to love God and believe in Him with a firmer faith. Without love, true holiness is impossible, so I pray that my love for others will grow.
As I walk in fellowship with Him, I am given strength to be like Him. Loving others may mean tears and heartache, and much persevering in prayer. If God is waiting to meet me, it is shortsighted to put other work in His place. If I am to experience God’s presence, I must engage in more definite and persevering prayer. The scriptural teaching to cry out day and night in prayer must become my experience if I am to be an intercessor. Through prayer God can give me strength for all I do and bring down His power to work through me in the lives of others. As simple as breathing is in the physical life, so will praying be in my life led by the Spirit. To pray is to enter into God’s presence, commit my need to Him, and leave it there. God wanted people to state what they wanted – so I should carry my strong desires to Him. Prevailing prayer is born out of my human weakness. If our spiritual life is healthy, under the power of the Holy Spirit, praying at all times will be natural. Intercession will become my glory and my joy when I give myself as a sacrifice to god for others. My prayer and faith will make a difference.
If I seek God with my whole heart, my whole heart will be in every prayer with which I come to God. God listens to my every request with His whole heart. I will expect the unexpected, greater than all I ask or think. As I pray, I learn to pray, to believe, and to expect with increasing boldness. I need to pray in the Spirit if I am to take hold of God in faith and power. As I spend time in intercession, I will see more conversions. Through consistent daily prayer, my whole life becomes devoted to my King and to the service of His Kingdom. I find it a great privilege as I bow in worship to know that the Father comes near to me where I am on the earth. The most important and profitable time of my whole day is the time I spend with God. I ask for the gift of unceasing prayer for the power of God’s spirit in all His saints. I want to devote my life to the prayer that can bring down God’s blessing. When I draw near to God in humble prayer, I take the first step in the path that leads to fellowship with God. Prayer is the work of my whole being in absolute willingness to be what pleases Him. Prayer is an emptying of myself and my own lusts and desires.
Turning to God, with or without words, is the best form of prayer in the world. Prayer must come from my heart and my relationship with God. My times in prayer are meant to lead me closer to God’s heart. Let me believe God that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think. Every time a truly good desire stirs in my heart, my heart sends a prayer that reaches God. Through prayer I can have the Father’s presence every moment of the day for my happiness and strength. I need daily, prayerful fellowship with God if I am to have His thoughts make their home in me. When I bow down in deep stillness before God and believe what He says, then His law will take possession of my inner life with all its power. When I prayerfully turn to God with my whole heart to plead for what He has promised, He will fulfill those promises. I need to pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will be deeply felt and that my faith will be strengthened. As I pray, let me be willing to accept me place with Him, crucified to the world, to sin, and to self.
Through prayer, God lovingly reveals areas in our lives that need to change. My close, abiding fellowship with Christ begins with deep dependence and unceasing prayer. God asks that I carefully stay in close fellowship with Him every day in order that my prayers will be answered. Unbelief dishonors God and robs me of my heritage. I have learned how indispensable it is to meet with God every morning in prayer and allow Him to take charge of my life for the day. If my conscience is clear, I can come to God with bold confidence. Christ will always accept faith that trusts in Him, even a seed of little faith I plant in my heart.
My weak faith in an almighty God can become the great faith that moves mountains. In prayer we begin to realize God’s thoughts and will. Prayer is a dialogue where I listen to what the Father says in reply and then ask for what I need. Prayerful study of the Bible is indispensable for me to gain power in prayer. Five minutes spent in worship each day will strengthen my faith for the work of prayer. God, in his unspeakable love, invites me to come to Him and communicate freely with Him. Whenever I come in prayer, the Lord instructs me to pause long enough to remember who He is.
Take time to help a child pray. It will lay a foundation like none other in their life. I was created in Christ to pray. It is my nature as a child of God. There can be no communion with a Holy God, no fellowship between heaven and earth, unless I set apart time for it. My day will respond to the morning watch time spent with God. When I bow down to pray, the awareness of my unworthiness will not hinder me but will help me trust God. God is always waiting to hear my voice. Only prayer gives my work its worth and success. I want my spirit to be a listening spirit waiting to hear what God says. In prayer, I give myself to God; in the Word, God gives Himself to me.
Prayer prepares my heart for receiving the Word of God from God Himself. My secret communion with God is the place where I learn the great lessons concerning God’s will. Boldness in prayer comes when I am assured that the spirit of asking and the thing I’ve asked for are both according to the will of God. All the powers of heaven are at my disposal when I labor in the service of His kingdom. The Holy Spirit knows what the will of God is. I should learn in faith to pray through the Spirit. Intercession must not be a passing interest; it must become an ever-increasing object of intense desire. In prayer I must expect difficulties which can be conquered only by determined perseverance. He who sits upon the throne, and who lives in my heart, has promised that what I ask in His name I will receive. Jesus asks me to yield myself as completely to God as He did and to pray like He did, that God’s will be done on earth at any cost.
May I not forget the importance of praying for our leaders. When I learn to pray not only for my immediate interests but enlarge my heart to take in the whole Church and the whole world, my supplication will have power with God. As little as I comprehend of God, I can comprehend one of the most wonderful of His attributes-He hears prayer. This is a spiritual mystery. I can become God’s co-laborer. My prayer becomes part of God’s divine work of reaching and saving the lost. In the matter of prayer, God does not demand impossibilities. He does not ask me to pray without giving me the grace to do so. There is nothing more worth living for than this – to satisfy God in His longing for human fellowship and love.
"May my heart really feel that there is no honor or joy on earth at all equal to the unspeakable privilege of waiting upon God and interceding for the blessing He delights to give"!