You've heard it said, "It's not the gift. It's the thought that counts."

You've heard it said, "It's not the gift. It's the
thought that counts." While this may be true, we have been
left wondering what was he thinking by some of the gifts
we have received over the years. Do not be that guy. Here are
the Top ten No-Nos when it comes to shopping for your
10. Sports Paraphernalia
Sorry, guys. Ninety percent of the time we are just being
polite when we cheer on your alma mater. In reality, sweaty,
overweight guys huddled in a writhing pile on the fifty yard
line just doesn't "do it" for us. We do not need a memento of
the occasion.
9. Camping Gear
We have no use for this. If we should ever have a lapse of
good judgment and agree to an excursion through the outback with
you, we fully expect you to provide, gather, carry, load, unload
and be responsible for every thing it will take to sustain us in
the boondocks.
8. Hunting Gear
We are, for the most part, the civilized sex and have no desire
to live off the land. We do not think its cool, neat, or
necessary to come face to face with our dinner in its natural
habitat. Grocery stores and restaurants were invented so we
would not have to do this any more.
7. Power Tools
If we have anything that should ever require drilling, sanding,
or sawing, we fully expect you to take care of it. We have no
need for a stocked tool shed - as long as you have one.
6. Firearms
Do you really want to arm a woman just scorned by a bad
birthday gift? Enough said.
5. Household Linens
They are too presumptuous. We will feel like you've obligated us
to let you help break in our new sheets and dry off on our new
towels after your shower.
4. Gift Certificate for a Make Over
We are not going to think you are trying to pamper us. We will
believe you do not like the way we clean up. Love us or leave us,
but do not try to change us - or make us think that you are trying to anyway.
3. Gym Memberships
This just screams, "Happy Birthday, Fatty." Why do not you go
ahead and make us an appointment to have the lap band surgery
while you are at it?
2. Exercise Equipment
We want to know we are perfect in your eyes. This kind of gift
says, "Oh, I love everything about you, darling, but there is an
abundance of love in the thigh area." The only thing lacking is
for you to get out that plastic white thing that pinches your
inches and take a BMI reading.
1. Clothes
Guys, this is a no win situation. Unless you know her exact
style and size, this kind of gift will do more harm than good.
Say you bought your special lady some sexy lingerie and it was
too large. The only logical thing she can say is, "Do you REALLY
think my butt is THAT big?"
Now that you know what to avoid, go out and get your girl a
gift she will be proud to show off. You can do it! We know you can.
Besides, you just got some insider information. You cannot go
wrong now.