Christian Family inspired Articles

"His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness."

Christian Family inspired Articles

Blogs for Christian women in a relationship help but we often forget the benefit of alone time. In this article we talk about the importance of finding time for yourself, and suggest a few ways to do that in a productive, but relaxing way that you can enjoy.

Consider these motivational spiritual quotes:  

"His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.  Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."  

"And to godliness, mutual affection:  and to mutual affection, love."  

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” - Buddha


In today’s society the non-stop lifestyle of your average person makes you wonder how anyone can find some well needed “me time”. With hectic jobs, family and social life it can be very difficult to schedule in time for yourself. It’s easy to forget the importance of time alone to pursue your own dreams and ambitions, or just to engage in hobbies or relaxation, but more of us should be putting ourselves first from time to time. In fact many people actually fear solitude, not knowing what to do with themselves in the absence of others, often resorting to social networking sites to further quench the thirst for social interaction.

With the attitude of many being that of time spent doing nothing is time wasted, many people convince themselves there is no time or there are other more pressing matters to attend to, but the truth is that anyone and everyone can and should allow personal time to develop as an individual. Given your average family lifestyle, it’s easy to see how one can lose a sense of self when thinking of everyone and everything apart from themselves.

When we are children periods of solitude are inevitable and regular. Children can happily sit and play for hours, absorbed within their game, imagination and consequently their minds. And this is crucial to their development, not just intellectually, but in developing a sense of individuality, independence and general contentment and well-being. So why when we reach adulthood do we no longer see the need to take time out to develop our own mind and thoughts.

Psychologists have proven the importance of finding time for yourself. Allowing time alone each day not only helps you to wind down and disconnect from the stresses of the day, but also can be beneficial to yourself and your relationships with others. It can also improve your concentration by refreshing your mind and providing time to work over any problems you may be experiencing.

It has also been shown that taking time out to relax and indulge in your own activities, be it reading, taking a walk, running a warm bath, can boost productivity allowing you to get more done on a daily basis. So where is the time?

Taking a look at your daily schedule can help in finding time for yourself, allowing even a half an hour slot a day can be immensely beneficial. If you work full time, your lunch period can provide a perfect time to sit alone, in a cafe or park bench and muse your thoughts. Listening to music or reading can also aid that disconnection between work and leisure. Full time mother? Waiting until the children are in bed to take a long relaxing bath, or getting a partner or family member to take care of the kids to allow for some well deserved me time. Especially within a family unit, taking turns and compromising with household and work responsibilities can allow for everyone to take the time they need and deserve. 

There are many activities and hobbies you can partake in within your own time. Some easy, cheap and convenient ideas to help you enjoy your alone time are as follows:  

  • Taking a walk
  • Listening to music
  • Reading a book, paper, magazine
  • Taking a relaxing bath
  • Listening to a relaxation tape
  • Meditation 
  • Yoga
  • Playing or learning to play an instrument
  • Drawing, painting
  • Gardening
  • Applying a face mask
  • Writing in a diary or journal


There are endless activities you can solitarily absorb yourself in. Whether you like to pursue your hobbies or just sit back and do nothing, it is essential that you remember you deserve your time and attention just as much as everyone within your life. To take care of others you must first take care of yourself. Taking just a small chunk of your daily life to look after yourself can improve your overall well-being and, as a result, your life as a whole.