Christian Parenting
Children are no doubt a precious spiritual gift. Jesus recognized the importance and purity of children when he said: "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."

Children are no doubt a precious spiritual gift. Jesus recognized the importance and purity of children when he said: "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." Many blogs for Christian women devote considerable attention to spiritually-oriented parenting advice, but raising children also requires your attention to more practical matters, such as how to make your little angel's clothing last for more than a few months!
Active children can be rough on clothing. Unless the clothing is made to be durable, it may not survive for long. When shopping for clothing for your son or daughter, be sure to evaluate its durability. So, what clothes do you decide to buy that are long lasting? Children outgrow clothes so fast why would we be concerned regarding the "durability"? I think that in the long run when we have taught our children how to decide on good clothes it will stick with them.
In the final analysis let's ask ourselves do our clothes answer questions about us. Yes, they do. Consider how active your child is and go from there. Do they play sports or the piano? Do they participate in boy scouts or girls scouts? What is your child's favorite color? Clothing that you and your child both agree on can help with performance in any activity they choose to do. Clothing that is durable and compliments your child's personality can be a huge win.
Good Luck.